The prescription make-up is Fabulous with a capital F.

Derma color creme doesn't look easy to use. It is a solid block of colour set inside a pot. I can promise that once you have the knack, you will have flawless skin.
1. You need to apply this creme with a sponge. I have been using a little piece of natural sponge as advised by Red Cross. Before using, damp the sponge under running water and then squeeze it in a towel. This will stop it being too wet, otherwise it won't work as well. (Learnt from experience.)
2. Dig your fingernail in the pot of creme (away from you so it doesn't go under your nail and just sits on top of it!) and get a little out. Take a small amount at a time. Wipe/dab it on the back of your hand, the opposite hand that you will use to apply it.
Amazingly, as soon as the creme hits the back of your hand and gets warm, it turns fluid!
3. Press your sponge on the creme on the back of your hand. Then press and roll the sponge on your face, starting from the nose outwards. You can also dab the sponge firmly on your face in harder to cover areas.
4. Make sure you blend at the sides of your face!
5. Wipe the sponge down each side of your nose.
I usually need to take a little 'dig' out of the pot for each cheek, one for my chin and one for my forehead.
6. After this, you should have a natural colour building up on your face. You shouldn't need much else! However, I do cover and blend the redder areas by using the Dermablend by Vichy Concealer stick that I bought from Boots. (See earlier post.)
The fixing powder is interesting. I would like to know who created this impossible-to-use pot. Unfortunately it goes everywhere, a waste of product and a waste of money for the NHS! It really is a terrible design compared to the Vichy pot. There are many, many bronzers and loose powders out there, all in perfectly usable pots. So why the Derma color people decided upon this one in their camouflage board room, I have no idea. If I come up with a solution to limit it's scattering tendencies, I'll let you know!

1. You can use a powder puff but I don't have one so I've been using cotton wool pads.
2. Load up the pads with the powder and simply dab it all over your face, paying extra attention to the areas that have the most coverage on. Then you can go back and press the powder gently into your face. Don't be rough, you don't want to dislodge the make-up.
3. LEAVE FOR AT LEAST 10 MINUTES! Don't rush this process!
4. AFTER AT LEAST 10 MINUTES! Use a large brush to dust the powder off, very lightly. You will find that most of it has been absorbed.
5. Delicately add on your normal blusher and the rest of your make-up.
This company say that the make-up has NEVER caused an allergic reaction in anyone. I do think that this make-up seems to cause me less irritation than the Vichy one. It has also caused me less little 'blisters' or 'spots' under my chin but this could be because my skin is healed more now.
They also claim that the make-up is waterproof. While I can't vouch for this exactly, I have been swimming in it. I was slightly splashed in the face and it didn't budge one bit.
It also says in the instructions that you won't need to re-apply it at any time. Although it lasts a long time, you might want to re-powder during the day as it can go a bit shiny. The company do a pre-make-up cleanser for oily skin should you be having trouble with the longevity of the make-up. I think you would need to ask your doctor or Red Cross consultant if you wanted to use this.
They also make skin 'plastic' for very uneven skin. Although I don't need to use this myself, I think it would be another amazing product.
To get the make-up off I have been using Clinque Cleansing Balm and then a face wash but the Red Cross consultants used Aqueous cream....much cheaper!
You definitely need patience with this make-up but it is worth it.
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