As I arranged for the fridge man to work his magic, I opened a letter for laser surgery in August, another for steroid injections and another update with the plastic surgeon. I'm pleased I'm getting all this treatment as it means my scars will show more improvement over the long term. However, it does feel as though I'm Tasmanian Devil tearing from place to place, never focusing on the present, only on the next place I need to get to.

My diary is a mad scrawl of timings and locations. When anyone asks me if I'm free I haul it out and start flicking manically through pages. 'Yes I can fit you does February 7th 2013 sound?' I've double booked, even triple booked and had to cancel at late notice. Some days I've lived in my car with only sat-nav for company, driving from appointment to appointment, experiencing the life of a truck-driver first hand. (Coffee in the holder...crumpled food-to-go wrappers on the floor, the general litter of car-based living.)
In the early days I attended burns outpatients at the hospital once or twice a week but that frequency had begun to diminish until I barely thought about the place. Eventually, I was only going every 3 months. Yet suddenly, I am back in the thick of it, on first name terms with the staff. I am looking forward to the days when I only have yearly appointments and my diary is free for fun and games.
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