Enjoying exercise is both positive and negative after an accident. Of course it's good for you, it will help you to rehabilitate, build up your stamina, keep you upbeat and help control your weight while you aren't leading your normal day-to-day life. On the negative side, it is hard to accept that you can't do what you did before and that it's very easy to over-do it, therefore setting you back even more.
As I used to run several times a week and walk to and from work, I am feeling the cabin fever. Sitting and watching TV is a reward, if I've had a busy day. I find it hard to enjoy otherwise. For the first few months, all I could do was sit on the sofa. My only walking was going upstairs to lay down there instead! I haven't been able to do anything. After my skin graft I couldn't walk for several weeks. It really has been slow progress.
Still, progress has been made and I'm keen to build my stamina further. A few months back, I checked out the local gyms. I chose the most laid-back, relaxing gym in the area. It has a swimming pool which I hope to use once the rash has left the building and many classes. As it's more expensive, it has an older clientele. This works for me, as there are no 'pumping beats' and crazy weightlifters, just a very large, open gym in calming tones of blue and purple. If you're looking for a gym, ask if they have experience in accident or injury rehabilitation. This one does, so I feel much less self-conscious.
Initially I was convinced I would go everyday. I don't know what possessed me to the think this, probably because I would normally be able to manage it.
Firstly, I consulted a personal trainer. She was very nice but her overall advice was simple, 'listen to your body.' She said there would be no point in giving me a fitness plan in the early stages, as I was trying to build up stamina. She said they would push most people until they were worn out. With me, there would be no pushing, just gentle, regular exercise.
Most of this session was chatting, so I thought I was fine to go to Yoga the next day. Oh dear!
It was much too strenuous for me and although I took it very easy, I felt very light-headed. By the time I had got home, I wasn't feeling too great. By the evening, I felt terrible. My Mum came to get me and I went to the Doctors the next day and was prescribed...antibiotics for a kidney infection. No fun.
Obviously I had overdone it already! With Yoga? It just goes to show that you need to choose your classes wisely. I must admit, it has put me off going back. So I have been paying out for a very expensive membership that I have been ignoring! Until last week. It has been about a month since the kidney issue and my voice has returned, so I decided it was time to give it another go.
I did a Zumba class, as I love dancing and thought it would be uplifting too. You can do it at your own pace. Although it sounds more energetic than Yoga, I actually found it less of a strain. I told the instructor's about my position, so they wouldn't mind if I have to leave or go and have a little sit down. Zumba was excellent! I managed the class, although I drank a litre of water and had to really slow it down about halfway through. I took the rest of the day slowly and nothing bad happened! I was tired but I didn't feel poorly. A breakthrough!
I am definitely going again this week and hopefully it will be just as good. If you can afford it I would say joining a gym long-term is a good move. You might have to drive there and back even if it's close-by, in case you are too worn out to walk home.
Whatever you do, don't over-do it!

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