It was incredibly sore and painful and I was worried about infection. I cleaned it twice a day with a Tesco antiseptic wipe and then put on Salvon and a bandage. Although it was sore for ages and ages, I didn't have any further issues.
So, as 'the rash' continues to live on, waving it's red flag of victory, I decided to use exactly the same system that I used during the toenail situation. As it is only a 'staph' rash, basically disrupted, upset skin, Salvon seemed the perfect solution.
Twice a day, I've been washing the affected area, using a Tesco antiseptic wipe and a thin layer of Salvon.
Despite the 6 topical creams and 3 lots of antibiotics...it is an off the shelf antiseptic cream that has had the most effect! The rash hasn't spread and it has gone down significantly. It is still there but it's not as angry and it even looks as though the patches might have shrunk a bit! I've been using it about 3 weeks, a reasonable length of time but it looks positive. So I shall continue!
I have also been putting it on my face, very thinly, especially on the angry part under my chin. It has made such a difference over the last few days.
Obviously, if you are going to use Salvon or any other cream you should be very careful because you don't want to have a reaction to it. Perhaps use it on a non-burned or irritated patch first to check you won't have any issues with it.

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