It's the 'I must have maximum fun at all times' stage and it's really hard work. I think it's happening because:
1) I feel like I missed out on several months of my life and I'm making up for lost time;
2)I am subconsciously thinking about how life is so short and I need to make the most of every second of it;
3) I know if my face had been permanently damaged I might have not wanted to do these things again for a long time or perhaps ever;
4) And to be brutally honest, it's a welcome distraction from the whole scarred-for-life issue.
So every second of every minute of most days I feel slightly hyperactive. I'm buzzing, unable to sit down. My thoughts are like sentences without punctuation, sometimes even missingthespacesbetweenthewords. It means I'm getting lots of things done and I'm moving through the days of my two year sentence but it also means...if I read a book I do it super-fast; devouring the Hunger Games Trilogy in about 10 hours. If I cook, it must be a done in a frenzy. If I watch T.V I must simultaneously read a book, check Facebook and think about a blog post. At parties I must have 'the best time ever' in case this is my last soiree; resulting in two very nasty hangovers so far. It's exhausting.
Not only is it exhausting, it's taking it's toll on my body. The once honed and toned temple has been eroded by wine, softened by cheese and bloated by bread. I've stuffed down extravagant mid-week meals, Friday take-aways and lunches at galleries without heed. My energy levels have plummeted and it's only the impeding Summer that have put any brakes on my truffling.
This year I have to wear the high neck blouse and compression vest combo (so last season) leaving me limited with Summer wear. I want to make sure I feel as good as possible about myself come Summer-time otherwise there will be even less options available.
At Christmas I could run 0 miles and now I can run one mile. Step 1 complete.
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