Tuesday, 22 November 2011

Baring it all in the Swimming Pool...

I'm really looking forward to this week because I am going to a spa with my Man for 2 days. The Spa http://www.lifehouse.co.uk/ have been really accommodating, they changed the offered treatment to a 'Fabulous Pins' because I can't have upper body massages or facials.

The one thing that is a little nerve-racking is...SWIMMING.

I have bought a kaftan to wear over my bikini so that I am not entirely on show but when I decide to get in the pool I know people will have a look. It's natural for them to, after all, I look as though I have been in a terrible accident.

One of the reasons I have decided to brave it and not obsess (too much) is that I have a nice figure from miles of running and I have never been that self-conscious in swimwear. However, I know when I'm older and have had children or put on some weight, I will feel more self-conscious. People do. Surely, this feels the same as I do now? Although it's a different circumstance, it's similar to anyone with stretch-marks, cellulite or extra weight. They are all worrying that people might be looking at them and thinking they look less than perfect. Well, thanks to this accident I am less than perfect and at 26 years old I was going to start becoming less than perfect anyway. Goodbye twenties! A body well preserved probably hasn't experienced much (babies, red-wine, too much chocolate) and so has probably missed out in a roundabout way.

I don't intend to put up with rude people or 'starers,' (come on people, your brain controls your eyes dontcha know) but I don't see why I should hide myself away.
I am young, attractive and slightly less than perfect now but I don't think I should be made to feel ugly or freakish.

On the plus side...I am mostly looking forward to spending time with my Man and eating salted caramel ice-cream, the most delicious dessert that I rarely find on menus.


  1. Really try to swich off your thoughts regarding what other people may see or think - you must limit this process ! People will not be that bothered or intersted - what you see they will barely notice. visit www.esthersabetpour.com I was in san tropez this summer and I just thought F**k it.

  2. Thank you Esther, I found it harder than I thought I would as it was quite busy...and didn't go in. When I got back to the room I found your comment and looked at your fantastic photography and thought....f**k it. Today I've already been swimming and I went to breakfast make up free. Talk about liberating....full post coming up soon. X

  3. This is something that I won't do. Maybe I will one day pluck up the courage to bare myself in the swimming pool x
